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Application Contexts

A Verida account can connect to multiple applications. These connections are called application contexts.


An application context has a unique name (ie: Verida: Markdown Editor) and provides a specific set of capabilities:

  • Database storage
  • Messaging
  • Block storage
  • Notifications

These application contexts are accessed by applications via the Client SDK.

Application contexts are siloed from each other. A Verida account connected to one application context has no access to data in a different application context. This ensures a web application can only access data for it’s own application and not be provided with an account’s private key.


An application context is “unlocked” by a Verida account signing a consent message. The signature is unique for a given DID and context name. The signature is used as entropy to create a deterministic set of encryption keys:

  • Symmetric encryption key — for encrypting private data
  • Asymmetric encryption key — for encrypting data for other users and applications
  • Signing key — for signing data

These context encryption keys can only be generated from the consent signature generated by the account when logging into an application. The signature is used as a seed to create a Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet, which in turn, is used to generate multiple child keys.


When a new application context is created, metadata about the account and the context is published to the account’s DID document on the Verida DID server. This information includes:

  • The (asymmetric and signing) public keys
  • Database endpoint
  • Messaging endpoint
  • Block storage endpoint
  • Notification endpoint

This allows other users and applications in the Verida network to discover information per context:

  • The endpoint used to communicate with an account
  • Encrypt data for an account using it’s public asymmetric key
  • Verify data signed by an account using it’s public signing key

Through this approach, user’s have complete control over where their personal data is stored.