
Critical files

The file verida-node-config.yaml is created by the installer and contains all your keys and passwords for the node. These values are extremely sensitive. This file should be securely backed up.

These values are stored in:

  • verida-node-config.yaml in the config directory created by the installed. This can be removed once backed up.

  • The compressed verida-node-config.tgz in the config directory created by the installed. This can be removed once backed up.

  • Inside /var/lib/verida where they are required by the running process. These cannot be removed.

Only you have access to the keys inverida-node-config.yaml. Verida is unable to recover these values in any way. verida-node-config.tgz also conatins this file as well as other generated configuration scripts.


/var/lib/verida/data is the default directory for data storage. /var/lib/verida/backupsis used as temporary space during the backup process.

The /var/lib/verida/bin/run_backup.sh backup script is created and scheduled using cron. By default backups are placed in /var/lib/verida/backups.

  • After each backup /var/lib/verida/bin/move_backup.sh is run. You should edit this script to move the backup to a safe, off machine location.

  • Look in operations_scripts on Github for sample scripts for various cloud providers.

  • This backup script provides basic backups that should operate everywhere. If you customise it please check the order files are backuped up carefully - the order they are done in the script is important for CouchDB operations. File system snapshots are also suitable.

  • The backup restoration process is documented below.

Restoring a node from backups

Restoring or rebuilding a node from a backup consists of three parts:

  1. Setup a VM and restore the encrypted database

  2. Recreate configuration with the same encryption keys as before.

  3. Apply the configuration to the machine

Setup a VM

Setup your VM using your choice of tools. On this VM run the following:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/verida/data
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /var/lib/verida/data

Next copy the backup .tgz file to /var/lib/verida/data on the VM, and decompress it (eg tar -zxf backupfile.tgz).

Recreate configuration

To recreate the configuration using the backup of the verida-node-config.yaml first restore the file to your local system. Next run:

setup-verida-node --inputconfig verida-node-config.yaml

Apply the configuration to the machine

To apply the configuration simply follow the instructions given by the setup script. Once completed, you can visit the /status URL on your node and check the number of users is correct.

Web Services

You can visit https://your-node-name.example.com/status to see some public infomation about your node.

HAProxy is set to restarted 4 times a day. We've found this maximises reliability.

Last updated